
Puncher Type & Swinger Type

Baseball swing mechanics can be classified into two types based on its acceleration system.


Principle of Puncher Type

●Genere the power from static state directly, suddenly, and explosively.
●Lower half generates the power automatically (involuntary) before the hands' acceleration, and it causes the weight shift or transfer.
●Also stride motion occurs automatically, and notice that no-stiride is an incorrect mechanics from the kinetic viewpoint.
●Although its principle is the same as hitting a punch like above movie, it doesn't mean to put emphasis on using the top hand. What I want to suggest with above clip is the way of power production, and essential meaning of difference between the puncher type and swinger type is exactly the way of power production.

Examples of Puncher Type 


Principle of Swinger Type

Examples of Swinger Type

●Weight sift or weight transfer is the most essential and core element of the swinger type mechanics.
●Keep the hands in relaxed throughout the swing, and don't try to swing forcibly with the hands because the lower half can lead them. In other words, arm swing occurs automatically as a result of the lower half's movement.


Each mechanics have separate motion and they seem to be the same at a glance. But there is a difference of meaning and mechanics.

George Brett (Swinger type)

Jason Giambi (Puncher Type)

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