
chapter 12 Et cetera 2

3) Know One's Mechanics for Getting Good Result

Regardless of which mechanics you adopt (puncher-type or swinger-type), natural hitting mechanics itself doesn't have any weak point. Hitting mechanics is harmonious function that is according to natural providence. However, applying it to baseball game is not concerned with the natural providence. Therefore hitting mechanics that is used in baseball game has some weak points. For example, pre-release-start is one of a typical example of it.

In short, puncher type also has some weak points to overcome. But it's not pessimistic matter because knowing the weak point is just the weapon itself. And keeping trying to overcome the unsolvable problem means infinity evolution. So then, let me write about that kind of theme.


1) Load (Burden) of Batting Stance

As for automatic-step, proper batting stance brings much burden to our body. And the reason of burden is in the both of upper body posture and lower body posture. First, as for lower body, flexed knee and hip joint causes muscle strain. Next, as for upper body, tilted bat and lifted hands caused arm's muscle strain. However, it is important that these factors are important factor for puncher-type's batting stance. Because, flexed knee and hip joint make your lower body's muscle easy to generate large power. Especially, for the suddenly and quickly power generation, lower body is demanded stability. From the point of view of stability for the suddenly and quickly power generation, lower body's stance should be wide and lower to some extent. On the other hand, tilted bat means that is set on the launch position in advance. As a result, you can reduce the time between batting stance and start of swing. Father result, you can delay the timing of "start-of-hitting-mechanics". Of course, that is effective for keeping stay back. Therefore, to delay the timing of start-of-hitting-mechanics is important theme for puncher type. In addition, lifted hands also means that is set on the launch position, and it usually is accompanied with  flying elbow. The flying elbow causes cross-line-muscles to stretch. Therefore, that's also important factor of puncher type's batting stance. Taken together, theses three point : (flexed knee and hip joint), (tilted bat), (lifted hands) bring together the benefit and problem. So now, what should we do for resolving problems. As mentioned as chapter 7,  to delay the timing of completion of batting stance is one of a good idea. In addition, there are some points in the batting stance itself. Anyway, it is important that these problems cause muscle strain and muscle strain robs your swing flexibility. By the way, this is serious problem because in the case of automatic-step that demands us the pre-release-start, adjustment to fast and slow ball is one of the most important theme. Therefore, lack of flexibility can be a fatal fault. So, improvement of flexibility should be regarded as one of the most important theme for the automatic-step of puncher-type.

2) Pre-Release-Start

As mentioned as chapter 8, pre-release-start is a big issue for automatic-step. And this characteristics demand us the two tactics. Firstly, getting used to feeling of pre-release-start is very important. And it should be a conditioned-reflex by repeating that. In short, feeling of opposing pitcher always should be kept, especially as for automatic-step-hitters. Secondly, as a result of pre-release-start, adjustment to fast and slow ball is very important theme. As for it, every possible means should be tried in the batting practice or drill. In addition, adjustment to first and slow ball demands muscle flexibility. Therefore, this theme is concerned with (1) load of batting stance. Be that as it may, "improving the ability of adjustment to fast and slow ball" is one of the most important theme for the automatic-step-hitters of puncher type as same as "improving the muscle flexibility". And of course, these two important theme are in the correlation.

3) Ability of Quick Reaction

Pre-release-start requires us to start the hitting mechanics without know what pitch is thrown. As a result, you are going to dive into the world where "reaction" rules all things. In a sense, that is the world where instinct rules all things. Anyway, in that "world", ability of quick reaction is very important. Or rather, ability of quick reaction that's all. In fact, if you master the automatic-step, batting will become a quick-reaction-game. Because automatic-step needs just one "switch" that is "hit hard". And this simpleness is the biggest advantage of automatic-step. Therefore, if you have mastered the automatic-step, you should try to hit a hard ball by reflexes in the B.P from as early stage as possible. As for in the batting practice, hitting an easy ball for checking the form of swing isn't need so much. Or rather, it isn't necessary at all expect swing drills without ball. Because even in the "hard ball B.P", a few of easy ball should be thrown, that's enough. On the other hand, trying to hit a hard ball causes your reflexes to wake up and it improves flexibility of your swing. As a result, your swing rather will be able to get a good form. For example, some players who are called as "slow starter" should get into high gear by trying to hit a hard ball again and again in the match of against real pitchers. Anyway, if you try the automatic-step and want to produce the good result, you should try to hit a hard ball in the B.P as positive as possible. For that matter, this attitude is very important. Because, in generally, a hitter tends to like to confirm his own swing by hitting a easy ball.

4) Don't be Arm-Initiative-Swing

To generate a big power suddenly and quickly without any preparation motion is characteristics of automatic-step. Of course, this simpleness is one of the most primary advantage of automatic-step, but at the same time, this characteristics often tends to cause the arm-initiative-swing. Therefore, and especially strain of arm's muscle must be avoided above all because strain of arm's muscle invariably cause the arm-initiative-swing. And of course, arm-initiative-swing always has lack of flexibility. Therefore, this theme is also concerned with adjustment to fast and slow ball. So let me cite some points for this theme.

Firstly, mechanical fault of batting stance causes arm's muscle strain. For example, too much tilted bat burdens your arm's muscle by principle of lever. And carrying a bat too high like a bazooka soldier makes your arm's muscle easy to get tired. As for these problems, you can solve these by correcting your batting stance itself. In addition, as mentioned as chapter 7, process of making batting stance and timing of completion of batting stance are also important theme. In fact, many home run scenes taught me that "process until the swing is very important as same as swing itself". And for that matter, it mainly is a problem about muscle flexibility. Good hitter usually tends to keep a good rhythm before his swing in the batter's box.

Secondly, it is easy to over look that too much moving (joggling) your hands in the batting stance causes arm's muscle strain. This kind of motion is one kind of rocking motion that is taken for arm's muscle relaxation. But in fact, that has almost opposite effect because in this case, arm's muscles rather tend to contract actively for joggling the hands. So then, It is important that there is a difference meaning between joggle of hands by consciousness of joggle of hands itself and joggle of upper by rocking motion.  However, as also for in the proper rocking motion, hand's joggle is often much emphasized unrelatedly to weight shift. And also in this case, arm's muscles get strain and it robs swing flexibility. In addition, arm's muscle strain causes cut off of power transmission between upper body and lower body. As a result, a bat isn't accelerated enough. Incidentally, these kind of problem is often seen among high level players. And the trouble is that this problem is concerned with quality of muscle memory, That is, it often gets worse as time goes by and demands a lot of time for recovery of it. So this theme should be paid too much attention.  

Thirdly, power of lower body at the moments-of-start causes all motions of hitting mechanics of automatic-step. That is, this lower body's power causes weight transfer and hip rotation. So if you can't generate this lower body's power enough, you can nothing to do but swing with just only arm's muscle. Needless to say, that is just the arm-initiative-swing and this state is often seen among baseball beginners like this. So then, it is interesting that the above video's state is caused by effort of upper body's muscles and that state is not always caused by weakness of lower body's muscles. Therefore, this problem is somewhat concerned with theme of firstly and secondly. Of course, there is another reasons that I will write below.

At the first place, that lower body's power is generated by hamstrings. Therefore, effort or strain of quadriceps-femoris-muscle makes hamstrings difficult to generate a big power. So alignment of batting stance is very important. Especially, [too much flexed knee], [straight standing spine] and [pigeon toe stance] are the most typical examples of batting stance of heavy user of quadriceps-femoris-muscle. In addition and needless to say, [high and narrow stance] can't generate a large power. By the way, As for batting stance, I wrote in the chapter 6. So now, in this section, let me write from point of another view. That is, complete stationary batting stance causes leg's muscles to become strain and it makes leg's muscles difficult to generate a big power. So, if even a little, you should take a locking motion in your batting stance. Moreover, stamping motion of front leg makes you easy to use a power of hamstrings and at the same time, stamping motion causes relaxation of leg's muscle more completely. Adrian Beltre and Albert Pujols are good examples. Incidentally, a hitter some times makes "miss of swing" and "miss of swing" is different from "swing and miss" That is, "miss of swing" caused by the problem that is due to just only hitter himself, not against a pitcher. And in a lot of cases, that mistake is causes by muscle strain due to bad rhythm or long continued stationary state. Therefore, an issue about before the swing is very important as same as swing itself.

Finally, and as mentioned above, arm-initiative-swing is caused by various factors. And the reason of importance of this problem is that is concerned with ability of adjustment to various pitches. Because, arm-initiative-swing is invariably accompanied by lack of flexibility. In addition, it is very important that the simpleness of automatic-step makes you easy to adjust to various pitches, but at the same time, mechanism of automatic step has a lot of "trap" that makes you easy to fall into the state of lack of flexibility. Namely, ability of adjustment is an advantage as well as a disadvantage for automatic-step-hitters. Therefore, ability of adjustment should be regarded as the most important theme.

5) Essential and Fundamental Technical Factors

1) Wide and Stable Batting Stance

Some puncher type hitters succeed with high and narrow batting stance without large linear translational motion. But and basically, for using the power of hamstrings, wide and stable batting stance is demanded, especially in the case of automatic-step. On the other hand, african players tend to be able to use a power of hamstrings from high and narrow batting stance. Because african players' pelvis tend be well tilted forward. As a result, they can make a hip joint flexion enough in the high and narrow batting stance. B. J. Upton, Andruw McCutchenKen Griffey Jr and Barry Bonds are typical examples. Of course, well flexed hip joint means well stretched hamstrings. Therefore, they can generate the big power from high and narrow batting stance without large linear translational motion. Incidentally, above hitters tend to make a wrap on their low backs expect Barry Bonds. The reason why is that to make a wrap on the low back (for emphasizing the pelvis-tilt-forward) is necessary for making a flexion of hip joint enough on condition of high and narrow batting stance. On the other hand, emphasizing the warp of the low back causes prevention of forming a proper "S" curve of vertebral column. Therefore, even for african players, it is better that to take a wide and stable batting stance. However, it should be paid attention that many hitters tend to flex the knee too much for getting stability. For example, Martin Prado, Franklin Gutierres and Albert Pujols are in this tendency. As a result, quadriceps-femoris-muscle gets a strain and it makes them difficult to use a power of hamstrings. As for this problem, the reason is just a lack of theory. So I call this problem as "misunderstanding-about-stability". As for degrees of knee, following hitters are just right. And it is important that their knee (especially back leg) isn't positioned over the front of toe so much. (Reid Brignac Jorge Cantu, Mark Trumbo)  In today's MLB, many hitters are in the state of misunderstanding-about-stability. But I'm sure that this state is a proof of that many hitters try to get a stable batting stance as a result of hitting odyssey from swinger type to puncher type.

2) About Flying Elbow

Although puncher type's mechanics mainly uses power of top hand, flying elbow at the batting stance isn't essential factor. Because, when the hands are lifted up by counteraction of step down of front leg, the muscles of cross line are stretched. And of course, theses motion occurs automatically. Therefore, if top hand elbow isn't positioned so high at the batting stance, you can produce a big power enough. However, big power produce from low positioned elbow demand you to have a high level skill comparatively. Mike Piazza is a good example and Justin Morneau is too. By the way, the most primary advantage of flying elbow is that flying elbow leads stretching of cross line's muscles much enough. However and on the other hand, as a result of shoulder's adduction, muscles around shoulder can't nothing to do but strain. That is, degrees of shoulder adduction should be decided in consideration of advantage and disadvantage of flying elbow. However, it is important and often causes misunderstanding, that is, flying elbow is not essential factor for the puncher type's mechanics.

3) Double-Hands-Follow

As for demerit of single-hand-follow, I wrote about it enough in chapter 9. So, in this section, I will write about this theme from the widely point of view. First, the reason why I regard this theme as an important theme is that this theme is concerned with ability of adjustment to various pitch. That is, repeating the single-hand-folow causes deterioration of quality of muscle memory and it robs your swing flexibility. As a result, it causes deterioration of ability of adjustment to various pitch. Namely, this theme is concerned with the "core" of skills of puncher type. In addition, I had seen so many times that many single-hand-hitters make deterioration their batting result suddenly from certain period of time. It is only natural because problem of single-hand-follow is concerned with muscle memory and therefore, bad effect becomes clear as time goes by. However, from actual point of view, muscular strength has an effect on time length of forming of muscle memory. For example although using same weight bat, big leaguer doesn't form his muscle memory so much from just one swing by contrast with kids. That is, size of load / muscular strength = muscle memory formation per a swing. As a result of above principle, some hitters like Mark McGwire can keep a good performance with single-hand-follow while a relatively long time. However I am sure that even that case, ultimately, it is more better that to chose a double-hands-follow. Of course, I can't say that without notes of "ultimately". Because so many players, so many situations, after all. But even though, I am sure that the double-hands-follow is ultimate. And finally, whether "flexibility" becomes your friend or not will be a turning point for you. Because as for in the puncher type's mechanics, "ability of adjustment against various pitch" can become both of advantage and disadvantage. Therefore, double-hands-follow can be said as best way.

4) Mechanics is Particular about Tool (bat selection)

Barry Bonds had been used middle balanced bat like an average hitter and I am sure that his choice was a right from point of mechanical view. By the way, to succeed as a slugger is similar to succeeding as a singer. It means that excellent human materials can't always succeed by just only own power. They need to chose their fashion and TV show to appear and Magazine to appear. And if they chose an ill matched fashion and situation, they cant appeal their charm enough. As same as that, a hitter has to choose his tool, tactics, attitude and other various factors besides skills itself. Namely, that can best be said as "self produce ability". That is, for the success, besides skills, smartness and sense are important factors. For example, to keep a interest in baseball will educate your sense of today's baseball fashion; that is, you will be able to imagine that what kind of hitter has succeeded in today's baseball scene. This sort of thing is also important for success. Namely, you need to play a role of Baby Face and Bobby Brown at the same time.

So let me go back to where I was talking. Also as for bat selection, characteristics of puncher type's mechanics should be considered. In conclusion, middle balanced bat is suitable for puncher type's mechanics and the reasons are bellow.

1) Mechanism of Acceleration

In the case of swinger type, first, while hip rotation is accelerated, bat head is kept behind the grip by suspension inertial force. And second scene, hip rotation is slow down and it leads the final acceleration of bat head by transfer inertial force. By the way, as for in the first scene, bat head should be kept behind as much as possible. Because, it means to take a long distance for the final acceleration. In the point of mechanical (dynamic) view, that distance means runway of airport, that is, long runway enable enough acceleration. Therefore, as for in the swinger type, relaxation of arm's muscles is one of the most important theme because it enable you to keep a bat head well behind the grip.

Be that as it may, swinger type's mechanics uses inertial force as one of the main engine. And from point of mechanical (dynamic) view, amount of inertial force is proportional to the mass. Therefore head balanced bat is suitable for the swinger type. Because, head balanced bat enable you to keep a bat head well behind by suspension inertial force.

On the other hand, as for puncher type's mechanics, suspension inertial force is not used mainly. In the case of puncher type, cross line's muscles are stretched before the landing of front foot, and this "stretch" makes distance of runway. On the other hand, if bat head is kept so much behind the grip by suspension inertial force, it makes distance between the hands and front shoulder. And as a result, bottom-hand-back-muscles are stretched. Farther result, stretch reflex occurs in the bottom-hand-back-muscles and it causes bottom-hand-pull. As mentioned in the chapter 9, bottom-hand-pull is one of the most unfavorable phenomenon. Therefore, head balanced bat isn't suitable for puncher type hitters.

2) Quickness From Top Position to Contact

Quickness from top position to contact is one of the primary advantage of puncher type. Of course, this quickness gives you enough time to watch the ball. And this quickness is caused by the mechanics that doesn't use the inertial force mainly. Namely, the characteristics that don't use the "lateness" of bat head brings the quickness from top position to contact. In addition and of corse, this advantage makes you easy to adjust to various pitch. Therefore, this advantage should be leveraged as much as possible. Of course, also as for choice of bat, this theme should be reflected. And as a result of "reflection", it can be said that middle balanced bat is suitable for puncher type hitters. In addition, slim barrel bat is also preferable for puncher type mechanics because slim barrel bat reduces the air resistance and it improves the quickness from top position to contact. Of course, a certain weight and size should be kept to produce a long hit. However, one thing that I can say is that puncher type's mechanics doesn't have a feature like that accelerates the head balanced bat by inertial force and centrifugal force with. In stead, puncher types mechanics is suitable for hitting style like that accelerates the middle balanced bat by power of muscle itself. That is, puncher type's mechanics is not a kind of mechanics like that accelerate a bat by inertial force and centrifugal force with leverages weight of bat head or bat itself. In stead, puncher type's mechanics is a kind of mechanics like that accelerates a lightish bat by power of muscle itself and produce a long hit by high speed acceleration of swing due to muscle's power, not by weight of bat head or centrifugal force.  However and of course, too much weight training robs flexibility from your swing.

3) Muscle Flexibility

Babe Ruth and Ted Williams took a high and narrow batting stance and their bat just about stood straight. They can be classified as swinger type, so they didn't need to set their bat on launch position (top position) at their batting stance in advance. Instead, they move their bat to set in the launch position while their stride motion. That is, they make the launch position by the "load" as a preparation motion. Therefore, they can set their bat at various degree angles like Rod Carew, Julio Franco and Cal Pipken Jr. On the other hand, in today's MLB, almost hitters set their bat at angle of top of swing in advance. Of course, this fashion trend express the transition of hitting mechanics.

By the way, obliquely inclined bat burdens your arm's muscles by the principle of a lever and head balanced bat emphasizes this tendency. As a result, your arm's muscles get strain, therefore top balaced bat isn't suitable for puncher type hitter. Because, this demerit results in emphasizing the weak point of puncher type's mechanics and it robs the flexibility as the most important theme of puncher type's mechanics.

However and of course, [middle balanced] and [lightly] and [slim barrel] bat will regulate your power to some extent. But after all, almost hitters regulate their power by themselves to some extent and that regulation often be implemented by adjustment of power generation of hitting motion. But I am sure that there is a more better way that is to regulate the power by tool, not by hitting motion itself. And the reason why it is better is that; at the first place, the power regulation is put for contact hitting, but in fact, full powered swing doesn't always has lack of ability of adjustment to hard pitch. Vladimir Guerrero, Adrian Beltre and Prince Fielder are good examples. Or rather, to don't put a power regulation often brings instinctual flexibility.

~ conclusion~

Middle balanced bat, lightish bat and slim barrel bat are suitable for puncher type's mechanics. And to do the full powered swing with those kind of bat is puncher type's way.

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